Portland-fly ash cement
EN 197-1 - CEM II/B-V 42,5 R

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Portlandflugaschezement EN 197-1 – CEM II/B-V 42,5 R (EG)
Ciment Portland au cendres valantes CEM II/B-V 42,5 R (B)
Portlandvliegascement CEM II/B-V 42,5 R (NL)

Uses/ Properties

  • Precast concrete parts
  • Concrete goods
  • Low water requirements
  • Easy to handle and work
  • Good water retention
  • Rapid initial hardening

Specific Details


Quality Control

Our cement is subjected to all production checks and controls in our own works and to those external ones carried out by the VDZ (The Association of German Cement Works). Meets the national standards set by The Netherlands.

Lieferformen Erwitte

  • silo

Technial Documentation Erwitte

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